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Our house is on fire and it’s time we acted like it.
Youth Climate Strike organizers have called on adults to join them for an International Climate Strike on Friday, Sept. 20th. Millions of us will take the streets to demand a right to a future, and we’re inviting you to join us in Colorado.
Youth Climate Strike organizers have called on adults to join them for an International Climate Strike on Friday, Sept. 20th. Millions of us will take the streets to demand a right to a future, and we’re inviting you to join us in Colorado.
Week of Escalated Actions Sept. 21-29
Colorado’s Climate Strike will kick-off a week of mass, escalated actions to demand climate action at scale with the crisis: no new fossil fuels leasing or development, just and equitable climate solutions, and accountability for fossil fuel companies responsible for the climate crisis.READ MORE
Why We Strike
Earlier this year, Greta Thunberg and 46 other youth activists issued a call to everyone around the globe to join them in a massive climate strike on September 20th. The Climate Walkout will kick-off a week of mass, escalated actions between Sept 20-29. In most countries, the youth strikers have chosen Sept. 20th as the day of their Climate Strike, while in a few other countries they have chosen Sept 27th. In the US, the coalition of youth strike groups, the Future Coalition, chose September 20th as the date ― and we are following their lead.
With school strikers calling on everyone ― young people, parents, workers, and all concerned people ― to join a massive climate strike. Together, we will join young people in the streets to demand transformational action to avoid climate breakdown and an end to the age of fossil fuels.
Thanks to our sponsors Plankton for Health and Phytality